Friday, April 4, 2014

Mid-cycle and someone's expecting.

I'm here on day 11 of my second recorded cycle. I can already tell the difference in my chart; this month so far my temperature has only varied by 10ths of a degree, instead of the crazy up and downs I got last month. Better sleep schedule, more relaxed at work, and the hormones seem to have leveled out.

The ovulation drop should be easier to recognize this month. I will hopefully see that in the next few days.

In other life news: my youngest sister says she's pregnant again. My facebook newsfeed has blown up with comments on ultrasound pictures (which dont show anything, she's only a couple weeks along...) and pictures of my niece, Ada, about how excited they are that Ada's going to be a big sister. Ada is about 6 months old, and my sister and her fiance live with my parents. /facepalm

And finding out about it a week after my own "failure" just puts a knife in my heart and I dont feel like I can even be happy for her at the moment. I've had to hide all of the pictures and comments on facebook, because it honestly makes me feel sick. I feel like that's not fair to her, but I'm not going to share my feelings with her either. Just gonna keep it here and to myself. Stupid.

It's very hard to see all of the "I'm pregnant this" and "I'm pregnant that" stuff I see so often. I'm not pregnant. Should I run rampant with those posts on facebook? Lay it all out there for everyone... How could I share it and not make other people feel awful?

But right now with all of her posts... I'd love to just say "Katie, you live with your parents, your baby is only 6 months old, you've barely got a job and you're PREGNANT?! What is wrong with you?!!"

What a horrible way to feel.

I should be glad that she's going to have herself a nice little family. Maybe even a big one.

It's just days like this where I suddenly feel very old, and that I should just give up.

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