Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another one bites the dust

Yep, you guessed it. Not pregnant again.

I was due for my period on my birthday. Well, my birthday came and my temp hadn't dropped, and nothing else was happening, either. I hadn't even noticed any PMS symptoms (Matt said he hadn't noticed any either) and wasn't cramping or anything. So I took a pregnancy test, on my birthday. To quote Matt: "If you're pregnant, I don't have to get you a birthday present because I already GAVE it to you." Oh, my. I love that man.

Unfortunately, the test was negative. We both pouted a little bit about it, but that was about all. It didnt even really bother me that much until I was talking about it with my hair lady and told her I wasnt going to let it break me. I don't know if she noticed that it was a little hard for me to say, and maybe she noticed a little chin quiver... But. I didn't let it break me. Not this time.

Then I woke up the next day, and my temperature had tanked on me. Started my period that afternoon. Guess the temp thing is pretty reliable after all.

Good news this cycle: my ovulation symptoms and temperature line up. Yay. My luteal phase is long enough, also yay. I was worried that maybe I wasn't dropping an egg at all, but looking at anovulatory bbt charts online and comparing them make me pretty sure that I am indeed ovulating fine. Those charts are a mess. Poor ladies... :(

Good news #2: my new insurance covers almost all of my Lysteda cost, from $65 down to $15. Woohoo!

Good news #3: I got the okay from my boss to take a week off for laparoscopy surgery, should that be the route we go next. If I'm ovulating fine, and Matt's boys are working just fine, then we need to see why these eggs of mine arent implanting.

Time to make an appointment. I need my yearly anyway, and then I can talk to my doctor about options, and show him my chart! :)

So, not so upset this month. It still sucks, but I am hopeful!

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