So, not pregnant. Again.
I started my last period the day before I was going to take a pregnancy test. That made my cycle 28 days long, which is okay, I'm anywhere from 28 to 30 normally. And looking back, it seems that I probably ovulated on day 15 ish, which is right where it needs to be.
My period was... meh. More painful this time. Bleeding was as expected. I was supposed to have a prescription for Lysteda that got messed up somewhere. I'm not sure who's fault that was, but it was really inconvenient and frustrating. I had to go back to the pharmacy THREE times before they got it right, and it was 2 days too late for me to use it correctly. They gave me an "emergency" supply on Friday, so I only took a third of the dose over a day and a half. It didnt help. Let me tell you, I was not happy. Like, I'm gonna punch someone in the face. It was bad. I havent felt that upset since I was a Lupron Monster.
Now it's day 11 in my cycle. I went and got myself some cheap "Answer" brand pregnancy tests. 20 tests for $20 with an $8 online rebate (that I filled out and probably wont get for 2 months) so I dont think that's too bad. It looks like they're made for girls who test every day of the month, but I wont be doing that! Instead, I'm going with the 2 a day. One in the AM, one before bed.
I'd better not miss those damned lines this time.
Just a couple of weekends ago, I drank a few, er maybe a lot of margaritas (the day I started my period) and had a pretty intimate conversation with a good friend of mine about making babies. She said "Ditch those stupid OPKs. You know what your body feels like when you ovulate." She suggests lots and lots of sex, days 12 thru 16 or so. Hahaha. Um.. Well, I guess if I want to cover all of my bases the best I can... Ha! It just makes me giggle thinking about her telling me. The plan might be both. OPK and lots of sex. Hahah.
Lemme tell you. You think "Oh, lots of sex, how bad can that be?" or "At least it's fun to try!" Think about taking one of the things you like the most and turning it into a job. Not so fun. It's hard to say "C'mon, let's do this again." I feel bad for my poor husband, well, a little bit. Demanding that he comes in and performs. You know? Maybe I should call to him from the bedroom and meet him at the door wrapped in cellophane like Evelyn does in "Fried Green Tomatoes." Hahahaha!! Spice things up a bit! Oh my gosh, I'm cracking myself up. I'm sure the neighbors can hear me cackling.
And I'll leave you all with that. Thinking about what a weirdo I am. Or me in a cellophane dress. Hehehe!!
Time to pee on a stick!
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